Thursday, November 1, 2012

Nov.3: "The Many Faces of Women" - 5 Female Entrepreneurs Can Help You!

Women Empowering Women - Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves
9.30 am, Nov. 3, 2012 at Mackenzie are $90 at the door.

 When fellow executive directors turned innovative entrepreneurs, Mary Kaye Lucier and Bonnie Pacuta decided to join forces to change the world for Windsor women, little did they know their dream of an “edutainment” event providing inspiration to combat the “overwhelm” would take on a life of its own.

But sure enough, Mary Kaye, a local social worker in private practice specializing in body image, and Bonnie, a care manager counseling adults now the primary caregivers of their aging parents, were quickly joined in their quest to provide the right coping skills to help women survive, even thrive in all aspects of their stressful modern lives, “The Many Faces of Women”.
Soon EFT practitioner, Frances Soda had “tapped” her way into their plans. Certified yoga instructor Josie Burns came on board, and Patricia Julian was commissioned to cater lunch for the ladies, courtesy of her organic Sunflower Café on Drouillard Road. 

Unlike many restaurants who pre-make meal components, Patricia treats you to the ultimate in “fresh”, creating your desired dish keeping in mind allergies or intolerances. The Sunflower emerged as a business when Patricia offered to prepare the organic, whole foods based meals nutritionists recommended after a cherished family member had been diagnosed with cancer. “…to have to think of each ingredient as potential wellness was something I had never considered before.” Thanks to Patricia’s passion for cooking, this event will not only celebrate Woman Power, but Food Power as well!
The event organizers were also joined by Windsor born, internationally acclaimed humorist, Zandra Bell. Zandra is the solution for corporate organizations looking to reduce workplace stress, increase staff productivity and thus improve their financial bottom line. The medically proven positive effects of laughter make humour in the corporate realm a powerful tool and it’s certainly one Zandra wields in an effective, economical way, creating hilarious, motivational presentations customized to her clients’ industry and objectives.

So aside from an opportunity to laugh to the point of incontinence, why is an event like this so important for women to attend?  

Women are traditionally raised to be “people pleasers”, trained to look after everyone else’s needs first, says Mary Kaye. The pressure to be perfect, to live up to the unrealistic media ideal for body size can act as a catalyst for potentially fatal eating disorders. Women are literally either “starving away, or stuffing down feelings and needs gone unrecognized.” 

When women dare to put their own needs first, Zandra posits “society labels them ‘selfish’ among other choice adjectives. Yet ironically the only way we can effectively be of service to others is to first claim our own power, take care of ourselves in a divinely selfish way. There’s a reason they tell you on the plane to secure your own oxygen mask first before helping others. ”

Families have traditionally cared for their aging members, Bonnie points out. The difference is, with people living longer, baby boomers, still supporting their own adult children, are now also long term caregivers for their elderly parents as well, a phenomenon known as the “sandwich generation”. As an experienced care manager Bonnie guides women in developing new coping skills to handle, not just the logistics of providing quality care to their elderly relatives, but also the emotional fallout it causes.

More women work outside the home as well, so when you add the increasing responsibilities of a career, it is no wonder women are feeling “stressed to the max” as Frances Soda describes it. Fortunately there’s EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, a system of tapping on acupuncture points to rebalance the body’s energies.

The guided EFT exercises Frances will present can be used to release overwhelm, negative feelings and limiting beliefs. With a more serious investment of time and a little detective work, she can help get to the core of deep seated problems and work toward reprogramming outmoded beliefs and subconscious self-sabotage.

Looking for a more balanced life affirming existence, Josie Burns courageously abandoned corporate life to follow her dream. Now she’s thriving in her new career as a certified yoga instructor working with individuals of all ages and levels of yoga expertise. Explains Josie, “Even if we just sit calmly and breathe deeply we are practicing yoga”. Now that’s my kind of exercise! The mind body fusion of practicing Yoga revitalizes the body increases joint flexibility, and promotes inner calmness and peace.  

Women working together to empower women! Let’s hear it for the girls! 

Why is it so important you attend this event?

You will walk away having laughed, and lunched, and learned, feeling united, empowered, comfortable in your own body and better able to meet life’s challenges.

Come join them. You deserve to be there! 

by Deborah Jones Publisher Biz X Magazine

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